Saturday, February 25, 2006

I’m back with bruised and tanned skin…they drilled me brain…asked me to commit a suicide and re-born…

I’m ok…yeah with me nose still hurts (some lonesome hornets stung it)


fara[the]bugbuster said...

How's the camp? hehe wah sure kene jemur eh?

fara[the]bugbuster said...

bro, i've change my url to bugdaworld.blogspot for privacy purposes.. thanks...

N a d i a said...

sudah terbinakah semangat anda?...hehehehehe...;-)

...$weE+ 666... said...

at least kau pegi 'kem bina semangat'... aku dulu kena hantar 'kem bina insan'

ceh, baru nak jadi insan, siot!
ha ha...

pagi syawal

1 syawal 1435, aku balik beraya naik kapal terbang kali ni, pulang dengan rasa hiba, pulang dengan tanggungjawab mengkebumikan ibu saudara ...