Friday, February 03, 2006


After four days of “bundle” divin' and some “kenduri” “be there”…I’m back in this dusty and carbon monoxide city…kampong was very peaceful but boring…fresh air but lack of “glee”sh notions…

I went to Penang last Wednesday…yeah she’s still classic…those narrow lane with mat salleh name on it…mamaks with attitude…they still serve the tarik with “lapik” (cup and sources)…and lotsa-lotsa “salleh kuti” (minah salleh)

I brought back to KL an extra baggage of “bundle wear”…yeah there’s goes my saving…

It’s good to be back…to embrace the semi intoxicated air…an ear piercing soundscapes…and her hazy sky…

i cant write much coz i'm moving from 27th floor to 29th floor...tingkat naik tapi gaji cam tu jer cisss!



...$weE+ 666... said...

unkle bob nak baptise anak serigala ke? tidak boleh... he he... thanks for dropping by!

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Well done!
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Anonymous said...

Thank you!
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Anonymous said...

Good design! |

pagi syawal

1 syawal 1435, aku balik beraya naik kapal terbang kali ni, pulang dengan rasa hiba, pulang dengan tanggungjawab mengkebumikan ibu saudara ...