Monday, October 13, 2008

lovely and lonely

The honks and the dust…the screechin' rubbers burnin' tars and grindin' the pavements…millions of footsteps shoutin' in semi-unisons…blaring lights and grayed breeze…this is the city of hope…the city of lesser gods and pain gainer but yet this where I tend to live my life to let my soul linger upon her wicked and weathered plains…What plains? ahhh...those crude horizontal and sickenin' sights...yeah those are the plains, alright…

I'm the softly sounded music that singin' in my own ears…in half marchin' pace…and unaided in these lovely lonely crowds... this is an urban scenery of unintended gaze…this is the city of love and hate...this is my existence...

magnuscaleb 2007


ceri masam said...

and everyone is aware of ur existence

mungkin tidak alone tetapi boleh jadi lonely...

*** said...

susah hati jer lonely....bob nak anak ikan ker?hahahahhahahahahaa....

MagnusCaleb said...

ape pulak..."sepi itu indah" seperti di stiker bas-bas mini wilayah sekitar tahun 90an

pagi syawal

1 syawal 1435, aku balik beraya naik kapal terbang kali ni, pulang dengan rasa hiba, pulang dengan tanggungjawab mengkebumikan ibu saudara ...