Wednesday, June 06, 2007

run bobby run...

Five days trapped in one huge castle called Palace of the Golden Horses…two days and one (sweaty mosh-pit) night in Singapore…rushed to KL and back to JB on the next day for another five days of eventful hours…

now I’m back in KL…and I don’t feel normal coz I’m headin’ to Jakarta and Bandung “very the very” soon…

(before the sweaty mosh-pit)


Ahmad Belia said...

yang bertopi tue ajuba kan?

MagnusCaleb said...

yup, cuba-juba anak muda yang berjiwa dewasa terlebih had :)

Si Fakap said...


Kalau mau ke bandung,gwe mau titip buku, boleh nggak? nanti gwe beri listingnya.


pagi syawal

1 syawal 1435, aku balik beraya naik kapal terbang kali ni, pulang dengan rasa hiba, pulang dengan tanggungjawab mengkebumikan ibu saudara ...