Thursday, January 26, 2006

the sun and the song...

I walk and cursin’ under the scorchin’ and boilin’ sun…12pm and the sun is smilin’…I walked toward Puduraya to buy my “tiket balik kampong” I hate Puduraya…I hate the people, the crowd, the sickenin’ pungent smell…ahhh everything ‘bout Puduraya

Got me ticket…had me lunch with me cousin at “balakang Kotaraya” lane…wow…I just realize that every dishes in Malay cuisine got killed animal…hehe so I just go for the “fress oren”

On my way back to the office…I hit Andrews Music Magic…and bought meself Emillia Contessa's Best Hits….

So I’m listenin’ and walkin’ down the memory lane…while dribblin’ me fingers on the keyboard…classics!

"jangan main api
kalau-kalau terbakar nanti
jangan main api
kalau luka panas sekali

jangan main cinta
kalau belum cukup dewasa
jangan main cinta
kalau luka sakit sekali...."

-Emellia Contessa-


N a d i a said...

..but puduraya dah terang-benderang sket kan compared to dulu-dulu yg suram & kelam & kusam??...;-) anyway, ckp psl emilia contessa, flop poppy ada cover "mimpi sedih" kan? but, i always dig the original version. it just breaks you bit by bit.

MagnusCaleb said...

terang laa sket...but the heat and the kerimasan masih maintain...hishh :)

yeah...andy ada bawak lagu tu..kemas jugak dia buat but compared to miss contessa...her voice and the lyrics always cut yer deep...

N a d i a said...

ckp psl emilia contessa tu..teringat plak her daughter masuk asia bagus dulu. anak dia sorang je nyanyi rap, pastu scored 91%, kalo tak silap. kagum..kagum..but then again, mak nye jugak yg dasat! kan?

Anonymous said...

ape tajuk lagu main api ni ya?aku try google xdpt la..dlu dga kt piring itam bapak aku..huhu..

pagi syawal

1 syawal 1435, aku balik beraya naik kapal terbang kali ni, pulang dengan rasa hiba, pulang dengan tanggungjawab mengkebumikan ibu saudara ...